Politicians Speak Out For Guardianship Reform

QLD MP - Warren Entsch (NLP)

2024-05-22 Criticises the Public Guardian (unfortunately conflating them with the Public Trustee) for its secrecy and identifies them as "a publicly funded parasite that drains the assets of the people they purport to serve". Unfortuntely, being a federal MP he is powerless against the state jurisdiction within which the PG and PT operate.

WA Senator - Jordon Steele-John (Greens)

2023-06-19 Interviewed in part one of a two-part ABC 7:30 report criticising the Public Trustee and their Gag orders in particular.

2023-03-26 Following up the Background Briefing report he attacks the Public Trustees around the country in a Twitter thread. 

2023-03-24 Interviewed for ABC's RN programme Background Briefing where he points out that the gag laws are protecting the government from scrutiny.

2023-03-12 (or earlier?) Probably responsible for policy stating "Greens will... end state-sanctioned ableism by recognising disability discrimination in the Anti-Discrimination Act, ending paternalistic guardianship arrangements" and "review the Guardianship Act with a focus on replacing adult guardianship and administration arrangements with supported decision-making"

TAS MP - Dr Rosalie Woodruff (Greens)

2023-08-15 As Tasmanian Greens leader she gave a speech in Parliament arguing for even stronger protections for the vulnerable in the proposed legislation amendments. Highlights include emphasis on the "dignity of risk" which clients should be granted, adequate compensation for when clients are wronged by the Public Trustee or Guardian, and she describes the current maximum penalty of $3900 for TAG transgressions as "insultingly small".

Blog notes: "Attorney General Elise Archer has been silent on a meaningful response to the Independent Review of the Public Trustee" by Damian Bugg QC AM.

2021-06-30 Read the first speech by any politician in any Australian Parliament, inspired by Advocacy Tasmania supporting our struggle and calling out Public Trustees & Guardians for malpractice. "Staff nurses are telling Advocacy Tasmania that people are being held with duty of care orders that do not exist. It is an awful act and the Greens will be working on behalf of Tasmanians to get to the bottom of it."

TAS MP - Cassy O'Connor (Greens)

2022-03-22 Pushed Attorney General Elise Archer regarding compensation for Public Trustee & Victims. Watch or read the Parliamentary exchange.

TAS MP - Ella Haddad (ALP)

2021-12-03 As Shadow Attorney General she expresses concern that the AG Elise Archer is not taking the results of the report by Damian Bugg QC AM seriously enough.

2022-03-24 Watch her seven minute speech following up the Four Corners exposé.

2022-12-02 Holds government and Public Trustee to account in committee hearing.

TAS MP - Andrew Wilkie (Independent)

2022-03-29 Not only an official statement but a YouTube video too of him condemning the Federal government for their failure to respond to the recent Four Corners exposé and report by Damian Bugg QC AM.

TAS MP - Kristie Johnston (Independent)

2022-06-01 She pressured the Attorney General Elise Archer to follow-up on the recent report by report by Damian Bugg QC AM, and to do so by setting up an independent compensation process for victims of the Public Trustee & Guardian - you can either watch or read the Parliamentary exchange. Here is an accompanying press-release.

QLD Shadow AG - Tim Nicholls (LNP)

2021-03-29 On the campaign trail in Rockhampton, March 2021, calling for “wide-ranging review” of, and community input into, the Public Trustee which he called “a very secretive service”. The Courier Mail reports.

NSW MP - Jenny Leong (Greens)

2016-05-05 formal questioning of NSWTG financial mismanagement. A month later the Attorney-General advises that a report has been given to various agencies. Greens (to our knowledge) have not followed this up unfortunately.

NSW MP - Geoff Provest (Nationals)

2019 "If re-elected on March 23, he will make representations to the incoming government and will also raise the matter with his colleagues in the Legislative Council" - a quoted by Provest's spokesman in The Daily Telegraph a week before that election. He did get re-elected but we do not know if he honoured his pledge.

QLD MP - David Janetzki (Nationals)

2018 on 22nd August he made speech to Parliament as Shadow Attorney General and Shadow Minister for Justice. He followed up with a tweet twelve months later. In 2022 he is the deputy leader of the opposition.

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